Cruzando líneas
“Cruzando líneas” was an exhibition of the work of British photographer John Theodore Goldblatt (1930-2008), who spent a number of years in South Africa, during the Apartheid era. The exhibition provided a tribute to this artist who had the courage to go into the townships and portray the poverty and misery in which the majority African population was forced to live and he did so under the constant threat of arrest. His photography offers us a valuable historical insight into a country whose identity was based on the politics of hate and racism.
1962 – South African Children's feeding scheme, Orlando township, The scheme was a charity sponsored by wealthy white women.
Copyright of the Estate of John Goldblatt
1960 – Africans at the Congress of Democrats rally in the rain, outside Johannesburg Town Hall
Copyright of the Estate of John Goldblatt
1957 – Music on the streets of Johannesburg. Corner of Main Street and Commissioner Street.
Copyright of the Estate of John Goldblatt
1958 – Lennie Lee and Kippie Moeketsi
Copyright of the Estate of John Goldblatt
1960 – With no place to go for entertainment after work, black servants of white flats in Hilbrow, Johannesburg, dancing in the streets at night
Copyright of the Estate of John Goldblatt
1956 – Hugh Masakela and Jonas Gwangwa practice at the Bantu Men's Social Club, Johannesburg
Copyright of the Estate of John Goldblatt